Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Let all that have ears hear what the sovereign MUUR-MOOR :Śambhũ :Ameni-Re is saying for the emergence of the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA via the properly formed and operational Imperial CMYE Government for the Republic! Click after the arrow to read → the Imperial Mission for the Imperial CMYE Government for the Republic.
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Greetings and salutations to the Imperial Muur and his Tribe. I, Franklin Delano Jones II, come to learn from your University; and, assist my Maku Chief Black Thunderbird (Eagle). Who has been illegally removed from his post , May 5, 2003. I hope this message reach the Imperial Muur good health and sound mind. Thanks in advance, for your assistance from the lost soul now found. -Franklin Delano Jones II